Tuesday, May 26, 2009



Gabriel Williams Tire Ring Manufacturing Company (DOW: GW) is a successful enterprise. Even in the difficult economic climate since last September, GW has actually increased its revenue and expanded its payroll. By contrast, its competitors have slashed operating budgets, fired employees and tightened the belt on costs. Why? How has GW managed to actually grow during a recession? Here at Employer’s World Weekly, we believe that less successful companies can learn from more successful companies. We believe it is possible to identify crucial management decisions that separate good companies from those that fail. We all know that most businesses do not survive. In order to survive—especially in hard times like these—good business leaders must always keep their ears to the ground. To do that, good business leaders must be flexible. And they must be willing to learn from companies that do things differently.

Today, we examine GW’s special commitment to its employees. Great companies understand that success depends on human capital. Employees are a company’s greatest asset. A company that cares for its employees will always fare better than a company that fails to address their needs. Good employees not only work more productively, but they also inspire others to work to fulfill the company’s economic mission. Poor employees do just enough to get through the day; and they really do not care whether the company wins or loses. Many employers believe that poor employees are bad workers because they are lazy, loafish or stupid. Yet many workplace studies confirm that blame for poor productivity does not always lie with the employee. Rather, many studies show that employers’ actions play a substantial role in creating bad employees. Insufficient pay, unfair discrimination, lack of opportunity for advancement and even dangerous working conditions can make employees give up on the corporate mission. After all, good employees are zealous, enthusiastic employees. If the employer gives the employee nothing to look forward to, they will never develop the motivation they need to effectively serve the company. In short, good employers know how to make employees feel good about their jobs. When workers feel good about their jobs, they work harder. It is all about motivation.

GW understands this. Unlike many less successful businesses, GW does not look upon its employees with suspicion. It does not regard its employees as adversaries in a battle for pay and benefits. Rather, it constantly expands its operations with progressive compensation packages intended to reward employees for high productivity and dedication. GW rewards loyalty, sacrifice and motivation. It provides incentives for employees who observe the right attitude toward the corporate mission. In GW’s view, the right attitude toward the corporate mission is just as important as actual financial success. Why? Simple, according to GW’s Human Resources Director, J. Burton Foote: “Employees are like investments. You can’t expect them to pay off immediately. But unlike other investments, employees are human beings with thoughts, emotions, feelings and dreams. It is important to channel those thoughts, emotions and dreams toward the company. To do that, it is essential to cultivate the right attitude. When an employee truly believes in the corporate mission, he will work hard to fulfill it. The end goal is always financial success. But to get there, employees must believe in the mission. Our approach to employment focuses on making employees believe in the mission, not themselves. This method may not pay off in the short run. But it leads to success later. At GW, we believe lasting success is more important than fleeting success. That is why we treat our employees with dignity and respect. And we pay them better when they have the right attitude.”

GW hires when other companies fire. At the same time, it makes its new hires believe in the corporate mission. This all sounds easy, but how does GW actually manage to do this? Today, we examine GW’s hiring methodology. Late in 2003, GW boosted its hiring by 32% in one quarter, thanks in large part to revolutionary, nationally-broadcast employment search advertisements. These advertisements brought in thousands of applicants. Within a year, those applicants developed into dedicated employees, who in turn generated substantial returns for GW. By 2006, GW increased its capital base by more than 45%, joining the Fortune 500 in the process. Its employee base jumped from 2300 to more than 6800. Today, GW employs over 10,000 workers both in the United States and in foreign countries. And every quarter it attracts even more employees. The economic downturn last year did not dampen this upward trend.

So what is so special about GW’s hiring pitch? How can employment “want ads” bring so much success to one company, but not to others? In order to understand the secret to GW’s success, Employer’s World Weekly is proud to reproduce a GW employment ad. By examining the ad, we can see how GW generates interest in its corporate mission. We can also see how GW prompts motivation in potential employees. GW allowed us to reprint its advertisements in our magazine because it believes in American employment potential. Despite all the gloomy predictions, GW’s story is “living proof” that companies can grow in a recession. Below, we print GW’s most recent national employment advertisement. We hope that employers all over the country will learn from GW’s approach. In essence, GW believes that strong employment relationships depend upon mutual respect, not intimidation or inequality. And mutual respect leads to the motivation employees need to propel companies to success.


Gabriel Williams Tire Ring Manufacturing Company is America’s fastest growing employer for one reason: We respect you. We are a winning team with a winning mission. Everyone loves a winner. We encourage you to join our team. We are hiring in all 50 States. You can do it. Don’t let the recession get you down. Don’t feel discouraged. You can get a job with Gabriel Williams. And you can walk away with $50,000 a month if you do.

Do you think you have what it takes to be a Gabriel Williams employee? You can do it if you have the right attitude. All you need to do is call our call center at (888) 754-8000. Give your name and address. Once you do that, our call center staff will direct you to a residential house in your area. We will cover all transportation costs for all those who apply. At the house, you will have all you need to survive: Two bathrooms, a fully-stocked refrigerator, a bed, a telephone, a computer, a washing machine, a dryer, a dishwasher, furniture and even a television with all-access cable. GW will pay all the costs, including rent, electricity, gas, cable and taxes. You simply need to stay in the house and answer phone calls. You may not leave the house unless directed. Aside from that you are free to do whatever you wish at the house, as long as you are wearing clothing marked with the GW logo. But you may not receive any visits from non-employees.

You will receive directives at random from GW staff. You must answer the phone whenever it rings. You must do whatever you are told to do. You must wear clothing bearing the GW logo at all times. Additionally, every morning at 9 AM, you must answer the front door. A GW Employment Management Supervisor will check on you, inspect the premises and ask you to go to the bathroom. There, the GW Employment Management Supervisor will ask that you turn your back to him or her. Following this, the GW Employment Management Supervisor will urinate on you for no more than 60 seconds. At the Employment Management Supervisor’s direction, you will turn around and await further instructions. The Employment Management Supervisor will then ask you to remove your clothes, place them in the washing machine and clean them. Once you have laundered your clothing, the Employment Management Supervisor will ask you change into a clean outfit and recite the following phrase: “I love my job. Thank you for this opportunity.” The Employment Management Supervisor will then carry out a final quality assurance check, fill out an evaluation form and leave the premises. If you receive positive evaluations for each day during your stay at the house, you will receive $50,000, as well as an offer of permanent employment at GW. Your final work position will be determined by your attitude. Applicants who distinguish themselves during Employment Management Supervisor visits will receive better employment offers than applicants who say nothing during such visits.

During your stay at the house, you will submit to video surveillance. This surveillance will ensure that you promptly follow all directives you receive by telephone. You are free to watch any television programs you wish, as well as to visit any websites you wish. But if GW considers your television or internet usage inappropriate, an Employment Management Supervisor will bring this to your attention during the following day’s checkup. If you receive more than three citations for inappropriate viewing choices, you will be asked to leave the house and you will not receive any compensation for time spent there.

Applicants are free to volunteer to do more. At GW, we encourage employees to go beyond the call of duty for the company’s benefit. In that light, we offer additional incentives to applicants who choose to show more during Employment Management Supervisor visits. Although applicants must at least submit to daily urination and inspection, they may choose to show their dedication in other ways. In the past, successful applicants have chosen to eat garbage, sit in uncomfortable positions for six hours or more, cut off their fingers, do 600 jumping jacks while saying “Go GW!”, or allowed an Employment Management Supervisor to beat them with iron rods. Others willingly endured verbal abuse without responding. GW rewarded these applicants with amounts larger than $50,000 for their time at the house, as well as increased benefits. In one instance, GW rewarded an applicant $125,000 for his stay at the house—as well as full dental insurance—for agreeing to remain chained to the toilet for 30 days without food. Despite these voluntary hardships, the applicant nonetheless answered the telephone when required and opened the front door for daily Employment Management visits. After his successful stay, GW made him an Executive Vice President. He is now Director of the Developing Asian Markets Division in Shanghai, China.

Applicants for employment at GW must keep their priorities straight. In order to receive the $50,000 incentive, applicants must retain mental focus on the task at hand. Motivated employees keep their minds on the company mission, not themselves. In that light, GW reserves the right to remove any applicant from the house who demonstrates unhealthy personal pleasure while performing GW tasks. If employees experience pleasure, it should come from the idea of service to GW, not a personal source. In the past, we have asked applicants to leave the premises who experienced inappropriate personal pleasure during daily urination visits. Employment Management Supervisors know how to distinguish personal pleasure from pleasure in service. There is a crucial difference between experiencing pleasure for your own reasons and experiencing pleasure in carrying out GW’s corporate mission. At GW, we only allow employees to experience pleasure to the extent that it carries out our corporate mission. Good service is about good motivation. If an applicant experiences personal pleasure, it shows that his motivation comes from a personal source, not service. He wants to please himself, not the company. That is unacceptable. If an applicant experiences pleasure, he must only experience it as a result of serving the company. Any other policy would encourage disloyalty.

So what are you waiting for? Be part of a winning team. Find out why GW is the fastest growing major employer in the United States. Get a job and $50,000 just for sitting around a house for a month. Beat the recession and make a few dollars in the process. Call now: (888) 754-8000. That’s (888) 754-8000. Don’t let the marketplace get you down. Beat the market and be part of something. Join the GW team. Join a company built on mutual respect. It’s easy. And it pays. Because when we respect each other, we are all successful™. You want $50,000 and a permanent job, don’t you?

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