Wednesday, March 10, 2010


My Mom dropped into town today. I haven't seen her in a month. So I will go see Mom today!

I actually needed a small break anyway to handle a few more administrative things. Whenever I have errands to run, I just can't focus on my writing as much as I'd like.

I have a long list of new issues to discuss, including some troublesome insights about contracts. Aren't contracts wonderful? Sometimes the law favors the morally wrong party in a transaction. You know why? Because the law cares not a fig for morality. In fact, the law serves economic values. And when it comes to social influence, economic values utterly overshadow morality. There's right and wrong: As long as big money isn't at stake. When it is at stake, other rules apply.

I will be back to tackle these questions tomorrow morning. In the meantime, don't forget the archives.


1 comment:

Angelshair said...

Good Break! Enjoy your time with your mom!