Friday, September 11, 2009


Today I'm transitioning to a new computer. I am not very technically-inclined, so wish me luck as I attempt to set it up and move all my stuff from the old machine to the new one. It is really astounding how much I depend on my computer. It is even more astounding how much I have cluttered it up over the years. It's like going through a time capsule!

Hopefully this will not take too long. With luck, I will be back up and posting by tomorrow. I have a long list of issues to discuss, so this will not be a long break. Feel free to check out my archives if you are really itching to read something. Until then, thanks for checking in.


I started setting things up and realized that I was missing some parts. It turns out they won't be in until next week. So I guess this whole post was a false alarm. Ah, technology.

I'll stick to my old machine until next week.

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