Tuesday, October 7, 2008



By : Mr. Ernest G. Fairborroughs, Center for Humane Border Policy

Our nation faces a serious immigration problem. Every day, thousands upon thousands of largely poor, ignorant foreigners flood into our great land, flouting the law’s requirements for legitimate entry. They filch American jobs, drain American money and threaten American morals. Unless our nation acts to stop this tide, it will soon sweep us into anarchy and turmoil. This essay aims to stop the tide: Here and now.

To solve a problem, one must know exactly what it is. According to Webster, “immigration” is an “act or instance of immigrating.” That is not helpful; we must go to the underlying verb to begin our analysis. “To immigrate” means “to come into a new country, region or environment; esp. in order to settle there.” Thus, we are fighting people from one country who come into another country, namely, our country: The United States of America. Before directly attacking the question, let us flesh out the grammatical picture. Who exactly is “coming into our nation” with a view to settling here? The answer is simple: “Immigrants.” An immigrant is “a person who immigrates.”

Abstractions alone will not solve the problem. Instead, we must look to our own circumstances to give them meaning. What facts make these definitions resonate? Anyone who watches the news—or anyone who lives in south Texas—knows that the “immigrants” are Mexicans. Applying the definition, we see that Mexicans are “coming from Mexico to the United States of America, especially to settle here.” As we all know, these Mexican immigrants bring filth, disease, debauchery, vice, popery and licentiousness with them. Rather than follow the standards our Congress has prescribed to lawfully enter our land, these vagabonds have filtered across our border to take up illegitimate residence among us. What must we do?

Coherent solutions demand a coherent course of action. Current immigration policy has woefully failed to stop immigration from Mexico because current immigration policy has not approached the problem grammatically. As we have seen, immigration means “to come” from one country to another. Until now, we have focused too heavily on the verb itself. We maintain border patrols and checkpoints, screening for immigrants when they are already in the act of “coming into” our nation. By that point, the problem is too far gone for such measures to make a meaningful impact. True, we do corral many would-be immigrants as they attempt to skirt across the border. But to defeat the immigration menace once and for all, we must adopt measures that attack its very heart.

Let us return to grammar in light of our current experience with the Mexicans. What constitutes “immigration from Mexico into the United States?” Many things must be fulfilled before it can be said that a Mexican has “immigrated” into the United States. First, there must be a Mexican in Mexico who decides to leave his country to settle here. Second, the Mexican must locate means and transport in Mexico in order to travel toward the United States. Third, the Mexican must arrive somewhere near the American border. Fourth, the Mexican must physically cross the border into the United States. Fifth, once the Mexican crosses the border, he must remain in the United States in an effort to settle among us.

Current immigration policy fails because it does not address the problem until the fourth step, namely, when the Mexican actually physically attempts to cross the border. To rectify this flaw, we must attack the problem from the first step: By eradicating Mexicans in Mexico. National immigration policy must shift from the borders into Mexico itself. Only by killing Mexicans in Mexico can we prevent them locating transport toward the United States. Unquestionably, we will need to expend enormous effort to accomplish this task, but it is simply impossible to continue our current approach to immigration. This is a time for rational, calculated measures. This is a time for solutions that work.

How will we put this plan into operation? Obviously, we need a large military force. With our armed forces spread thin battling terror, available reserves to defeat immigrants are dangerously inadequate. Consequently, we must militarize our economy. Private enterprise has always answered the nation’s call in time of crisis, and the immigration crisis is no exception. Manufacturers can assemble weapons, vehicles, food stockpiles, fuel supplies, uniforms, field kits and ammunition. The service industry can recruit volunteers for active anti-immigrant work, screening for the best candidates while keeping salaries vigorous given the competitive climate. Financial institutions can make loans to manufacturers and recruiters, spurring production while guaranteeing robust returns for themselves. Insurers can issue reasonably priced policies on soldiers’ lives and health, as well as on war-related construction projects, commercial transactions and automobiles. Laborers will have guaranteed jobs in the infantry. Our health care system will have a unique opportunity to conduct trailblazing medical experiments on captured immigrants, all the while caring for our wounded heroes. Put simply, every sector in the American economy will have a part to play in the War Against Immigration. And every sector in the American economy will benefit from winning the war.

To effectively eradicate Mexicans in Mexico, we must follow efficient procedures. It is one thing to articulate a strategy; it is quite another to execute it. For that reason, we must establish operational protocols for eliminating as many Mexicans in Mexico in as short a time as possible. With American jobs, American morals, and American territorial integrity at stake, delay is not an option. To this end, technology will play a useful role. Our global positioning system can precisely target every major population center in Mexico. Our Mexican Tracking Database ("MTD")—assembled only after years of studying captured immigrants—provides detailed information about active immigrant centers. Thanks to these tools, our economic and military planners will know which towns must be liquidated before deploying Immigration Control Specialists to neutralize prospective immigrants. Additionally, our economic and military planners will ensure that all team members play their roles in conducting Immigrant Elimination Activities (“IEA”) within Mexico. Once a prospective immigrant stronghold has been identified, Engineer Squads (“ES”) will seal off all escape routes, establishing a discrete Target Zone (“TZ”). Helicopter-borne Recon Squads (“RS”) will then monitor all Mexicans within the target zone using state-of-the-art local tracking sensor technology. The Recon Squads will then calculate the exact number of Mexicans within the Target Zone. Once Central Command knows that number, it can deploy a sufficient infantry force to conduct actual IEA in the TZ. To ensure maximal efficiency, Recon Squads will precisely guide Infantry Squads (“IS”) to their targets. Thus, no sneaky Mexican will be able to hide from the Infantry once IEAs have commenced within the TZ.

After eliminating all prospective immigrants within the TZ, the Infantry commander assigned to the Zone will broadcast an “All Clear” message to Central Command. At any moment thereafter, Central Command may designate the TZ “secure” and remove it from the Master List of TZs to be Eliminated (“MLTZE"). By following these protocols to the letter, American forces will make it impossible for Mexicans to even choose to travel toward the border, let alone attempt to cross it. Organization will be critical to success. But American business leaders know organization. And more importantly, they know that organization leads to success.

Some will doubtless assail these measures as unduly harsh. They are not. Rather, they are reasonable measures narrowly tailored to meet a very pressing purpose, namely, to staunch illegal immigration. It is beyond argument that Mexicans routinely defile our borders, taking up unlawful residence on our land. It is beyond argument that they spread contagion, corruption and decay. Are we not entitled to protect our country from such threats? Are we not entitled to use reasonable methods to solve the problem?

In a perfect world, such measures would not be necessary. Yet our current experience with the immigration menace proves that lackadaisical enforcement leads to horrific results. By waiting until Mexicans actually attempt to cross the border, we do not treat the disease until it has fatally spread. But by eradicating Mexicans in Mexico, we treat the disease before it even threatens harm. No lesser alternative can cure the cancer gnawing away at America’s very core. Walls will not protect our borders. Even electrified fences from Florida to California’s Pacific Coast would not truly address the problem. Like a cancerous cell at large within the body, a Mexican standing at our border will find a way to take the final step. That is why we must strike at the malady before it develops. Any physician would agree that this is the proper course.

Others say that these measures contradict America’s historical commitment to immigration. They say that America profited from immigration in its infancy. But that is history. America is no longer a child. She is a full-grown, responsible adult. She needs no more foreigners. America stands strong the way she is. While we certainly would not object to embracing trained, productive foreigners to strengthen our economy, we do not need Mexicans. Let us then adopt a rational approach to immigration that will both create jobs and save our nation.

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